Events & Education

at Bernheim Forest & Arboretum


Join Bernheim staff and volunteer naturalists for an evening around Lake Nevin learning about the bats at Bernheim and why they matter.

When Program is available:  August 15, 8:15 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.

Learn the basics of birding with Bernheim’s seasoned volunteer naturalists.

When Program is available:  August 17, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Other Educational Resources:

Bernheim Plant Database ( lets users explore the plant collections in the 600-acre arboretum. Search the database by common or scientific name, genus, family or location.

My Big Little Adventure is an initiative for parents of children aged 5 and under. Building on natural curiosity, deep passion, and the busy habits of young children, the program offers a continually updated roadmap of activities, events and resources. 

Sponsored by the Greater Louisville Sierra Club, Restoring Nature’s Classroom is a partnership with Hazelwood Elementary School. Bernheim educators offer special programming in 4th grade classrooms and the students learn through field trips to Bernheim as well.

Visit Bernheim Forest & Arboretum and collect your Passport Stamp!

Third Sunday Hikes